Daily Contacts

Soft contacts are frequently chosen as an alternative to glasses or hard contacts by those that require vision correction. The development of these lenses eliminated the frustrations of glasses, such as falling off, or fogging up. Contact lenses are fitted to the eye of the individual, which make them extremely stable.

Soft contacts are considered an excellent choice for those individuals who have active lifestyles. These lenses are reportedly the most comfortable choice available since they are made from a thin, gel-like substance. Technological advances have enabled people to use soft contacts that suffer with dry eye conditions. The new materials keep the lenses moist, thereby aiding to keep the eye moist and aid in overall wearing comfort.

Soft lenses come in three different types, daily contacts, extended use, and single use.

Daily contacts are economical, disposable, soft contacts that were designed to be worn on a daily basis. Typically these lenses cost about the same for a one year supply as a pair of glasses. Many insurance plans will also cover the cost of the prescription.

These lenses are placed on the eye in the morning then removed in the evening. A negative feature of daily contacts is that they must be cleaned on a regular basis to prevent a buildup of protein before being thrown away.

Daily contacts are made to last for a predetermined period of time. The time is established by the manufacturer of the lenses. It can be a week to a few weeks before needing to be changed or thrown out.

By completely changing the lenses every week it is strongly believed the health of the eye is benefited. Other types of contacts require the individual wearer to clean and maintain the lenses for a year before they are changed, providing opportunity for infection.